Anagram Finder & Solver

Find all words from set of letters (Help):

Game Scoring:
Sort: Len≥

Help for Anagram Word Finder

  • Type game letters into Input Letters box
  • Sort by score, length or A-z
  • Len≥ shows words that long or larger
  • Click Find, then results are shown here
  • Play Links: Anagramania | FreeBrainGames | Jumble

Crossword Puzzle Solver

Finds words that match a missing letters pattern for solving crosswords (Help):


Help for Crossword Word Finder

  • Finds words for partial letter patterns of known length
  • Enter search pattern into Input Pattern box:
    1. Input unknown letter positions as '?' or '-'
    2. Example: 'c?t?' finds cats, city, cute ...
  • Click Find, then results are shown here
  • Play Links: Jumble Crosswords LA Times Daily Universal Daily |

Jumbled Words Finder Solver

Find words in scrambled letters (Help):


Help for Jumbled Word Finder

  • Enter scrambled letters at Input Letters box
  • Words that use all jumble letters are found
  • Click Find, then results are shown here
  • Play Links: Jumble Classic | Jumble

Build words in Scrabble Game®

Find high score words using game rack letters while also fitting them onto a game board(Help):

Fit to Start Anywhere End
Game Scoring:
Sort: Len≥

Where to Play Scrabble® Type Games

How to Find Scrabble® Game Words

  • Enter game rack letters in Letter Tiles box
    1. Use a '#' or '-' or '_' character as blank letter tiles for games like the Scrabble® Game
    2. Use Capital letters to require them to be present. 'Cats' will return only words with 'C' in them, but 'cats' will not make 'C' mandatory
    3. Multiple capitals can be used together
  • Sort by score, length or A-z
  • Len≥ shows words that long or larger
  • Optional Board Letters function fits words into or across letters already placed in a game
    1. This option finds words that can be built with your rack letters plus the pattern
    2. Board Letters are input as pattern of existing letters & open squares on game board
    3. Input open letter positions as either a '_' or '?' character
    4. To fit words across an area with 1st letter A & 3rd letter P, use 'A?P' as a pattern
    5. Fit to sets where a pattern is to be found: Start, Anywhere or End

Words with Friends Helper

Find high score words using game rack letters while also fitting them onto a game board(Help):

Fit to Start Anywhere End
Game Scoring:
Sort: Len≥

Where to Play Words with Friends®

Word Finder Help for Words with Friends®

  • Enter game rack letters in Letter Tiles box
    1. Use a '#' or '-' or '_' character as blank letter tiles for Words with Friends®
    2. Use Capital letters to require them to be present. 'Cats' will return only words with 'C' in them, but 'cats' will not make 'C' mandatory
    3. Multiple capitals can be used together
  • Sort by score, length or A-z
  • Len≥ shows words that long or larger
  • Optional Board Letters function fits words into or across letters already placed in a game
    1. This option finds words that can be built with your rack letters plus the pattern
    2. Board Letters are input as pattern of existing letters & open squares on game board
    3. Input open letter positions as either a '_' or '?' character
    4. To fit words across an area with 1st letter A & 3rd letter P, use 'A?P' as a pattern
    5. Fit to sets where a pattern is to be found: Start, Anywhere or End

How to Use the Word Unscrambler

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Enter your available letters in the input box above.
  • Click the "Find" button to let our anagram solver work its magic.
  • Review the list of valid words generated by our word finder.
  • Use the results to maximize your points in Scrabble, Words With Friends, or other word games.

Tips for Effective Use

  • Familiarize yourself with game-specific rules and word lists.
  • Practice using the tool to learn new word combinations.
  • Explore alternative word options to refine your gameplay strategy.

What Is an Anagram?

An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as turning "listen" into "silent". Learn more about anagrams on Wikipedia’s Anagram page.

Winning at Word Games with Word Building Tools

Our word finder not only helps you unscramble words but also gives you a strategic advantage in popular word games. Discover the best moves for games like Scrabble® and Words With Friends® by using our unscrambler tool to reveal high-scoring words and new combinations.

iWordFinder helps you find words easily and efficiently!

  • Instant Results: Quickly unscramble letters and find matches, ensuring you solve word puzzles faster than ever.
  • Multilingual Support: Word lookup and definitions in multiple languages, perfect for global users and language enthusiasts.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easily accessible on desktop, tablet, and mobile, providing a seamless experience across all your devices.
  • Perfect for Gamers and Students: Ideal tool for word games, educational purposes, homework help, exam preparation, and everyday language improvement.
  • Advanced Algorithm: Our technology provides accurate and extensive word results, covering an impressive range of words and phrases.
  • Regular Updates: Stay ahead with continuous updates that expand our dictionary, ensuring that you always have access to the most current and comprehensive word lists.
  • Educational Resources: Utilize additional learning materials, vocabulary exercises, and quizzes integrated into the platform to further enhance your language skills.
  • Privacy and Security: We prioritize your privacy with secure and safe usage, ensuring that your data remains confidential and protected.

Boost Your Vocabulary

Enhance your language skills and broaden your word knowledge across multiple languages. Our multilingual dictionary integration provides comprehensive definitions and synonyms, helping you learn and remember new words more effectively. Improve your reading comprehension, writing skills, and overall communication abilities by accessing precise and detailed information on every word. It's an ideal resource for language learners, educators, writers, and anyone passionate about language mastery. Expand your horizons by discovering new words daily and mastering their usage through practical examples and interactive quizzes. Enhance your ability to articulate complex thoughts clearly and confidently, giving you an edge in both professional and personal contexts. Our vocabulary tools are designed to support lifelong learning, whether you’re preparing for exams, writing essays, delivering presentations, or simply aiming for personal growth. By integrating advanced techniques for vocabulary retention, our platform ensures long-lasting mastery and effective communication. Dive deeper into the nuances of languages, appreciate linguistic diversity, and become more fluent and articulate in your daily interactions.

Additional Resources